
What is J-1 visa?

The J-1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa issued to individuals who wish to visit the United States as part of a work and travel program, or as a short-term (non-degree seeking) international student or scholar.

Possible Categories of J-1 Visa Holders

Scholars (44%): This category includes visiting scholars, researchers, and postdoctoral researchers.

Short-term scholars (23%): This category includes scholars and professionals who participate in short-term exchange programs.
Teachers (11%): This category includes teachers who come to the United States to teach.
Internships (10%): This category includes students and professionals who come to the United States for internships.
Summer camps (7%): This category includes students who attend summer camps in the United States.

What kind of insurance should visiting scholars with J-1 visa buy?

The J-1 visa is a type of visa provided by the U.S. government to scholars and researchers who come to the U.S. for exchange programs. According to the regulations of the U.S. State Department, all J-1 visa holders must purchase medical insurance that meets the minimum standards of the U.S. State Department.

Why buy insurance?

Medical care is expensive in the United States. Even minor illnesses can lead to huge financial burdens. Purchasing medical insurance can help you get necessary medical care when you become sick or injured, and avoid financial losses.

Minimum Requirements for J-1 Visa Insurance

 According to U.S. Department of State Regulations Regarding J-1 Visa Insurance,J-1Visa insurance must meet the following minimum requirements:
  • Coverage must include medical emergencies, hospitalization, surgery, psychiatric care, childbirth, repatriation, and emergency medical evacuation.
  • The minimum coverage per person is $100,000.
  • Repatriation of Remains Coverage $25,000
  • The deductible for medical expenses per person/per accident cannot exceed $500. For example, if the medical expenses are $5,000 and the deductible is $500, then you have to pay the first $500 yourself, and the remaining $4,500 will be reimbursed. The deductible for GoGlobalSafe’s Gold plan is 0
  • Deductible up to $500 per injury or illness
  • The insurance coverage per person/year cannot be less than US$500,000.

Things to note when choosing J-1 visa insurance


(1) When choosing J-1 visa insurance, you need to consider the following factors:
  • coverage: Make sure the insurance plan covers the medical services you need.
  • Coverage: Choose the appropriate coverage based on your personal situation. If there are no special requirements, just meet the basic requirements of the J-1 visa.
    Deductible: Choose an affordable deductible. Generally, the lower the deductible, the more expensive it is, and the better the coverage.
    Price: Compare the prices of different insurance plans.
    (2) Buy it yourself or with the organization?

    To simplify the process for exchange visitors to find insurance plans that meet the minimum standards of the U.S. Department of State or even higher standards, we launch our Wellaway-Gold and Wellaway-Bronze insurance plans every day.
    First, you need to confirm directly with your project sponsor whether you need to join their group health insurance plan or purchase personal health insurance that meets the J-1 visa requirements.
    If you need to purchase insurance on your own, the plans we offer fully meet and exceed the U.S. Department of State’s minimum health insurance requirements for J-1 visas.

    (3) Obtain proof of coverage in a timely manner
    After you purchase health insurance for your J-1 visa, many project sponsors and embassies and consulates may ask to see proof of insurance that meets these outlined requirements. You will need to contact your insurance company to obtain a letter (sometimes called a visa letter or proof of coverage) that covers each of these requirements and the amounts covered by your insurance plan. Since we handle J-1 health insurance requirements every day, we automatically provide this visa letter as soon as you purchase our insurance plan so that you can bring this document with you to your visa interview appointment.
    Therefore, whether you purchase J-1 visa health insurance through us or through your sponsor organization, it is important to confirm that your insurance meets the minimum requirements and that you have the visa letter/proof of coverage.

Minimum Requirements for J-1 Visa Insurance

   GoGlobalSafe 的 wellaway J gold 及 wellaway J bronze J-1 Visa Insurance Plan that fully meets the minimum requirements of the U.S. Department of State, is underwritten by WellAway SA and Arch Re, and is rated “A+” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company. This far exceeds A.M. Best’s requirement of at least an “A-“.
Purchasing appropriate medical insurance is an important guarantee for J-1 visa holders to visit the U.S. When choosing an insurance plan, please be sure to read the insurance terms carefully and choose the most appropriate plan based on your needs.


We understand that many embassies will require proof of health insurance before your visa interview. To help you prepare, we support you in purchasing insurance starting from your expected date of arrival in the United States. If your visa is denied, you can always contact GGS to learn about our refund options. It is recommended that you review the cancellation policy of your selected plan before signing up.
Yes, you can view it by clicking on J-1 visa insurance details
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出国留学可能是一次充满压力的经历,但感谢 GoGlobalSafe,我能够享受海外时光,而不必担心自己的健康或安全。知道我在紧急情况下得到了保障,这让我能够安心地专注于我的学习并享受在国外的时光。
我对 GoGlobalSafe 的体验非常满意。注册过程顺利、简单,提供的保险范围全面且价格实惠。在我的整个出国留学经历中,我感到安全无虞,我绝对会向所有国际学生推荐 GoGlobalSafe!