Glossary of Health Insurance for International Students in the United States

International Student Health Insurance Glossary: ​​From A to Z


Glossary of Student Health Insurance: From A to Z

Student health insurance is an insurance that international students must purchase during their study abroad. Due to the different insurance systems in different countries and regions, the terms of student health insurance also vary. This article will explain the common terms in student health insurance from A to Z.

B: Benefit refers to the money paid by the insurance company to the insured or its designated beneficiary according to the insurance contract.

C: Coverage refers to the scope of insurance liability stipulated in the insurance contract, that is, the scope of risk borne by the insurance company to the insured.

D: Deductible refers to a certain amount that the insured needs to bear before the insurance company assumes the liability for compensation.

E: Exclusion refers to the situation where the insurance company does not assume the liability for compensation as stipulated in the insurance contract.

H: Hospitalization refers to the situation where hospitalization is required due to illness or accident.

I: Inpatient refers to patients who need hospitalization due to illness or accident.

J: J-1 Visa refers to the visa issued by the US government to scholars, teachers, researchers, interns, visiting scholars and other personnel who come to the United States for exchange visits.

K: Kidnap and Ransom refers to the kidnapping and ransom insurance service provided by the insurance company to the insured.

L: Limit refers to the maximum amount of compensation that the insurance company bears to the insured as stipulated in the insurance contract.

M: Medical Evacuation refers to medical services that require emergency transfer due to illness or accidents.

N: Network refers to the cooperation agreement signed between the insurance company and the medical institution, and the insured can enjoy preferential services in the medical institutions within the network.

O: Outpatient refers to patients who need outpatient treatment due to illness or accidents.

P: Premium refers to the insurance premium paid by the insured to the insurance company.

Q: Qualifying Event refers to the qualifying event stipulated in the insurance contract, such as accidents, illnesses, etc.

R: Renewal refers to the act of the insured person choosing to continue to purchase insurance after the insurance contract expires.

T: Travel Insurance refers to insurance services provided to travelers, including risks such as accidents, illnesses, and lost luggage.

U: Underwriter refers to the insurance company or individual who bears the insurance risk.

X: X-ray is a medical examination method that can be used to diagnose diseases and determine the effectiveness of treatment.

The insurance policy is a document that international students receive after purchasing insurance. It details the terms and conditions of the insurance plan, including the insurance coverage, premiums, deductibles, etc. International students should read the insurance policy carefully and make sure they understand all the terms and conditions therein.

Claims refer to the claim application submitted by international students to the insurance company after an accident or illness. International students need to provide relevant medical certificates and other necessary documents for the insurance company to review them. If the international student’s claim application is approved, the insurance company will pay the corresponding compensation.

The glossary of terms in international student health insurance is what international students must understand before purchasing insurance.

In conclusion, international student health insurance is an insurance that international students must purchase while studying abroad. International students should read the insurance policy carefully to understand the details of the insurance plan, including premiums, deductibles, and insurance claims. By understanding these insurance terms, international students can better understand their insurance plans and better use them when needed.

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