The Ultimate Guide to Schengen Travel Insurance

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申根协议允许免护照在 26 个欧洲国家之间旅行。但是,要进入这些国家,旅行者通常需要获得申根签证。获得申根签证的条件之一是拥有足够的旅行保险。



  1. 签证要求:许多非欧盟公民需要申根签证才能进入申根区国家。足够的旅行保险是获得此签证的强制性要求。
  2. 医疗保险:旅行保险提供医疗紧急情况的保障,包括旅行期间生病或发生事故时的住院、医疗和遣返。
  3. 紧急援助:提供紧急医疗后送、遗体遣返等援助服务,以及24/7支持热线。
  4. 财务保障:承保因旅行取消、旅行中断或行李丢失而造成的不可预见的费用。



  1. 医疗费用:承保紧急医疗费用,包括住院、手术和药物,最低金额为 30,000 欧元。
  2. 遣返:承保紧急医疗后送和遗体遣返祖国。
  3. 旅行援助:全天候紧急援助服务,包括联系多语言支持团队和协调医疗护理。
  4. 旅行取消/中断:如果由于疾病、受伤或家庭成员死亡等保险原因而取消或中断旅行,则可报销不可退还的旅行费用。
  5. 个人责任:承保因被保险旅客造成的第三方人身伤害或财产损失。
  6. 法律援助:承保旅行期间产生的法律费用,如保释金或法律代理费用。
  7. 您可以查看我们的旅行保险,让您的旅行无忧无虑。



  1. 承保限额:确保保单为医疗费用、紧急援助和其他基本福利提供足够的承保限额。
  2. 供应商网络:检查保险公司是否在申根地区拥有医疗供应商网络,以方便直接计费和轻松获得医疗服务。
  3. 排除:仔细检查保单排除条款,了解哪些内容不在承保范围内,例如既往病症、冒险运动或高风险活动。
  4. 费用和免赔额:比较不同保单的费用,并检查可能适用的任何免赔额或共同支付额。
  5. 索赔流程:了解索赔流程,包括文件要求以及在紧急情况下如何提出索赔。
  6. 客户评论和声誉:研究客户评论和保险公司的声誉,以确保服务的可靠性和质量。
  7. Goblobalsafe.com旅行健康保险是适合您的申根旅行保险。


  1. 有效期:确保保险单涵盖您的整个旅行期间,包括任何计划的延长。
  2. 申根签证要求:验证保险单是否符合申根签证的具体要求,包括承保范围和有效期。
  3. 保单文件:旅行期间请携带保险单副本和紧急援助联系信息。
  4. 续签和延期:如果您的旅行时间比最初计划的要长,请考虑提供续签或延期选项的政策。


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John Doe
John Doe
Fantastic Customer Service
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I had a question about my coverage and reached out to the customer service team at GoGlobalSafe. They were incredibly helpful and responsive, and I was able to get my question answered quickly and easily. It's clear that GoGlobalSafe truly cares about their customers and their well-being.
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee
Affordable and Reliable Coverage
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I did a lot of research before choosing an insurance provider for my study abroad experience, and I'm so glad I chose GoGlobalSafe. The coverage provided was not only affordable, but also reliable and comprehensive. I never had to worry about being underinsured or not having the coverage I needed.
Sofia Rodriguez
Sofia Rodriguez
Highly Recommend!
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Overall, my experience with GoGlobalSafe was excellent. From the ease of enrollment to the quality of coverage, everything was top-notch. I would highly recommend GoGlobalSafe to any international student looking for reliable, affordable, and comprehensive insurance coverage.
William Chen
William Chen
Peace of Mind
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Studying abroad can be a stressful experience, but thanks to GoGlobalSafe, I was able to enjoy my time overseas without worrying about my health or safety. Knowing that I was covered in case of an emergency gave me the peace of mind I needed to focus on my studies and enjoy my time abroad.
Olivia Davis
Olivia Davis
GoGlobalSafe: The Best International Student Insurance!
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I couldn't be happier with my experience with GoGlobalSafe. The process of enrolling was smooth and easy, and the coverage provided was comprehensive and affordable. I felt safe and secure throughout my entire study abroad experience, and I would definitely recommend GoGlobalSafe to any international student!
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