Elite User Guide

感谢您选择 GoGlobalSafe,我们很高兴成为您留学旅程中的一部分!在海外学习生活充满了新奇与挑战,而我们的使命就是通过专业、高效的保险服务,为您提供安心无忧的保障,让您能够专注于学习和生活。
24小时会员服务 (inside the U.S.):+1 855-773-7810
Outside the U.S: +1-786-453-4008
微信客服:公众号安途 GoGlobalSafe 联系我们
紧急情况:请拨打 911


  1. 1. ID card:Understanding your ID Card 购买完成后email内获得的ID card文件,或者certificate 文件底部部分为 “保险卡”。这是您的保险凭证,请确保每次就医时出示此保险卡,可以截图保存到手机或者打印出来保存在钱包。
  1. 2. 医疗网络:UnitedHealthcare Options PPO,在预约网络内医生确认保险信息时,请声明自己的医疗网络Network 为Unitedhealthcare Option PPO,医疗人员可通过保险卡上电话 855-773-7810 核实保险保障信息。
  1. 3. 免赔额Deductible根据你的计划不同可能是 $0, $250, $450三种不同免赔额,超出此部分保险公司才会开始报销,校内SHC可以waive免赔额,因此建议优先选择校内SHC以降低医疗费用。
  1. 4. 药物网络EHiM,常见CVS药房,校内药房为网络内
  1. 5. 实验室检测网络 Lab TestQuest Diagnostics, 当您需要进行X光、核磁共振等实验室检测时,很多医生会将你指引到他们自己熟悉的实验室,但这些实验室不一定是网络内!建议拨打 855-773-7810 确认所选实验室为网络内以避免高额检查费。


设立在线问诊Telehealth账户:Telehealth Instruction


  1. 1. 入学要求的疫苗接种:
在学校的Student Health Center(SHC)或网络内药房如CVS进行时,可以100% cover。支付与报销可参考文档理赔报销部分。
  1. 2. 入学要求的TB-Test等健康检查:
在学校的Student Health Center(SHC)进行时可以100% cover。部分检测项目校外常见药房或者小诊所,不同州可能不提供或只提供有限相关服务,建议优先选择校内SHC。支付与报销可参考文档理赔报销部分。
  1. 4. 生育怀孕:

    (1) Elit系列保险按计划报销比例覆盖正常怀孕相关检查和生育费用。可参考plan policy :Maternity Care and Birth Benefits 部分。

  2. (2) 需要在确认怀孕的30天内联系保险公司(855-773-7810)进行登记。

    (3) 如果是在保险生效前怀孕,则无法获得相应保障。


  1. 1. 医疗机构选择指南:美国不同医疗机构如何选择
  1. 2. 校医院:

    Student Health Center(SHC)是简单医疗问题的第一选择,大多时候可以walk in就诊,免去预约等待的麻烦(预约能更好的安排时间和获得对应医生科室的治疗)

  2. SHC 就诊可以免去免赔额Deductible) 和 共付额 (Copayment)大大减少每年的医疗费用支出
  1. 3. 网络内医生:

    Elite 系列计划使用 Unitedhealthcare Options PPO,可通过UHC 查找附近医生(使用指南)。

  2. 预约医生:在预约网络内医生确认保险信息时,请声明自己的医疗网络Network 为Unitedhealthcare Option PPO,医疗人员可通过保险卡上电话 855-773-7810 核实保险保障信息。
  1. 4. 网络外医生:
  2. 如果你找不到网络内医疗机构在您附近满足您的医疗需求,你可以选择到任意医疗机构就医。需要注意网络外医疗机构通常医疗价格更高,报销比例更低,且他们不会帮你走直付。

当你需要理赔报销时 Make a claim:

1. 校医院:
  1. 当你学校的Student Health Center接受UnitedHealthcare Options PPO医疗网络时,SHC会与保险公司直付direct-billing,这种情况下无需垫付,学校通常会通过email与您沟通相关细节和账单。
  2. 当你的学校只接受校内保险时:你仍然被GGS royal系列计划覆盖,只是SHC不会帮您进行direct-billing的相关操作。您可以垫付相关费用,并参照报销指南提交报销。
2. 网络内:
  1. 网络内医疗机构会直接通过您保险卡上信息与保险公司确认细节条款和提交direct-billing支付相关费用,无需自己进行操作。当然最好每次与医生确认他向保险公司提交了报销文件或者授权申请。
  2. 网络内药物:每次自己只需支付药物等级对应Copayment(参考保险条款),剩下部分由保险公司支付。
3. 网络外:
  1. 网络外医疗机构通常情况下也会直接通过您保险卡上信息与保险公司确认细节条款和提交direct-billing支付相关费用。但是也有很多网络外医疗机构和医生不会这样操作,需要您预先垫付费用,这种情况下您可以预先垫付相关费用,并按照报销指南提交报销。


备注 (Notes):

  • 1. 排除项目明确列在产品手册 “What is Not Covered?” 一节中。
2. 针对药物、手术和服务的排除条款已经相应分类,以便于更好地理解。
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John Doe
John Doe
Fantastic Customer Service
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I had a question about my coverage and reached out to the customer service team at GoGlobalSafe. They were incredibly helpful and responsive, and I was able to get my question answered quickly and easily. It's clear that GoGlobalSafe truly cares about their customers and their well-being.
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee
Affordable and Reliable Coverage
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I did a lot of research before choosing an insurance provider for my study abroad experience, and I'm so glad I chose GoGlobalSafe. The coverage provided was not only affordable, but also reliable and comprehensive. I never had to worry about being underinsured or not having the coverage I needed.
Sofia Rodriguez
Sofia Rodriguez
Highly Recommend!
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Overall, my experience with GoGlobalSafe was excellent. From the ease of enrollment to the quality of coverage, everything was top-notch. I would highly recommend GoGlobalSafe to any international student looking for reliable, affordable, and comprehensive insurance coverage.
William Chen
William Chen
Peace of Mind
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Studying abroad can be a stressful experience, but thanks to GoGlobalSafe, I was able to enjoy my time overseas without worrying about my health or safety. Knowing that I was covered in case of an emergency gave me the peace of mind I needed to focus on my studies and enjoy my time abroad.
Olivia Davis
Olivia Davis
GoGlobalSafe: The Best International Student Insurance!
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I couldn't be happier with my experience with GoGlobalSafe. The process of enrolling was smooth and easy, and the coverage provided was comprehensive and affordable. I felt safe and secure throughout my entire study abroad experience, and I would definitely recommend GoGlobalSafe to any international student!
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